Enchantments Rank 5

Enchantments Rank 5
List: Mage Basic Career
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Enchantments Rank 4, 100 Power Points, level 9
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant


Rank 5:

Spell Verbal:  With Pure Magic I Cast an Unyielding…

  • …Haven About Me to Protect Me on My Way.        21 Temporary Power Points, 1 Permanent Power Point             While Concentrating.
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic.
    • This spell creates a 10 foot high, 10 foot radius impenetrable closed cylinder centered on the caster. Nothing harmful can pass through the wall, including spells and alchemical items; this spell will provide clean air enough for everyone inside. The Total Power skill will pierce through a Haven, even if the original spell was cast with Total Power.
    • While they are maintaining a Haven, the player must hold both arms out to their sides parallel to the ground, elbows bent up at a right angle, and palms forward. If the caster drops their arm, the spell dissipates. Also, the caster must walk slowly, no faster than one step per second. Unlike Magic Sanctuary, this spell will push characters out of the way and will conform to allow the caster to move through smaller diameter portals. When cast, the caster can specify who is in the initial 10 foot radius; all other characters are pushed out to 10 feet.
    • This spell is not affected by Dispel Magic spell


  • Electrical Storm to Incinerate All Before Me.     20 Temporary Power Points, 1 Permanent Power Point         Instant, Special.
    • This spell is considered Lost Magic.
    • This spell allows the caster to throw ten bolts of lightning doing 20 points of magical lightning damage each. If the caster moves or takes damage then they will loose whatever bolts of lightning they have not yet thrown. The caster may pivot on their right foot while this spell is active without ending the spell. The caster has the option to throw all the bolts of lightning at once or one at a time or any combination they want.

Enchantments Rank 1
Enchantments Rank 2
Enchantments Rank 3
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